Take Your Food Freedom Journey Further With Personalized Coaching.
It’s time to break free from constant food noise and find true peace with food—without another restrictive diet.
If you’re ready to take your health journey even further, personalized 1-1 coaching offers the tailored support you need for deeper transformation.
Apply now to explore how 1-1 coaching with McKel can help you regain control and rebuild your relationship with food for good.
McKel Hill Kooienga, MS, RDN, LDN, Founder of Nutrition Stripped and The Mindful Nutrition Method

Health Harmony Awaits
Your Next Steps:
1. Complete the coaching application form.
2. We will review your application within 48 hours. If you're a great fit, you will schedule a Free Clarity Call with McKel.
3. Additional details will be emailed before your call.
There are limited spots available each season, serious applicants only.

Hi, McKel here!
As a mindfulness-based Dietitian, I've worked with thousands of women for over a decade who went from feeling out of control with food to feeling fully confident and empowered by their food choices.
That's why I created the Mindful Nutrition Method™ — my signature program where clients find balance with food, for life.
It is possible for you to overcome these same struggles and create balanced eating habits! You deserve to be free from food and diet obsession, maintain a balanced weight, cultivate a positive relationship with food and your body, and enjoy food fully without guilt.
I'd be honored to help you get there.
— McKel Hill Kooienga, MS RDN LDN Founder of Nutrition Stripped and the Mindful Nutrition Method™
 Professional Background
11+ years experience
Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology and Dietetics, The Ohio State University
Master of Science Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, The Ohio State University | Masters Thesis: Dietitian Practitioners’ Knowledge, Behaviors, and Practices Regarding Dietary Supplements
RDN Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and LDN Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist
MBSR, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, trained
MSC, Mindful Self-Compassion, Trained
Creator of MNM, The Mindful Nutrition Method
Wellcoaches Behavioral Coaching, Trained
The Power Of Awareness by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, training
The Science and Art of Herbalism by Rosemary Gladstar, training
Well + Good Council
Member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
15+ years, long-time student of mindfulness meditation
Author of The Nutrition Stripped Cookbook [ William Morrow]